The Definition of Longevity: The Black Eyed Peas

When did your generation get introduced to the Black Eyed Peas? The Black Eyed Peas are a multicultural, genre bending group formed in 1995. Despite having had new members join and leave, they have still managed to release an album this year (2020), 25 years after they were first formed!

I like to compare the run of The Black Eyed Peas to that of Star Wars; Star Wars has three trilogies over a big timeline. A new trilogy has been released specifically for that generation’s youth. Disney knows that the past generations grew up on Star Wars, and older generations will take their kids to see Star Wars because they want to share that great experience with their kid.

If we look at the Black Eyed Peas we can see that they have a similar approach with their music with releasing two albums, taking a long break, then adding something new and releasing 2 more albums. In their first two albums (1998-2000) they had a very underground Hip Hop feel to them. Their two subsequent albums (2003-2005) that were released Fergie joined the group had a much more pop/hip hop feel and their following two albums (2009-2010) had a very Techno/EDM feel.

It wasn’t until their latest album releases that the pattern seems to have been lost, with one being a political album and the other being a Latin album. However these two albums are still speaking for the current youth. Many kids are very aware of the political landscape, and Latin Music is currently very popular among young people.

I genuinely believe the members’ strong creative minds and their different cultural backgrounds allow them to blend genres and try something new when they want to. That’s why when they put their mind to a new idea they end up doing very impressive things. Even though their music might not be for me, I am very excited to see where they go next.

Karl Sturch

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